We love leading tours to Israel, Greece, Turkey and Rome as often as we can.  

It is this unique opportunity to see the Bible go from black and white letters on a page to living and dynamic color in real life.  It will change your life to go to the land where the Bible took place and Christianity expanded. You are officially invited to join us on our next tour!

                                           For more information on future tours feel free to  CONTACT me.

                                                              COMING TOURS 2025! 

February 2025 to Israel! (more room!)

March 2025 to Greece, Turkey and Rome! (more room!)

In the meantime, pick up a copy of my latest book EXPLORING ISRAEL and JEWISH INSIGHTS!

AND...take a look at EXPLORING ISRAEL ONLINE COURSE digging deeper into 35+ places in 4+ hours of video content.

Enjoy the pictures of past tours to Israel.

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